Truth and Scripture – Brenda Watson


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A book to promote discussion

• challenging highly-influential assumptions governing attitudes to scripture

• arguing for a different starting-point which is more inclusive and more rational

• offering a way of overcoming the serious rift between a devotional and a critical approach to the Bible



“This important, stimulating and timely book lays bare the basic assumptions that are often built in to different approaches to Biblical interpretation. Whilst discouraging any irrational dogmatism, it helps us to question the hidden presuppositions of Biblical scholarship. No reader of the Bible can fail to be challenged.”

[Professor Roger Trigg, Department of Philosophy, Warwick University]

“Dr Watson is passionately concerned that the Gospel accounts of Jesus should be received with integrity by people today, and she destroys some serious obstacles that prevent that.  Conservative evangelicals like me will find her book informative, challenging, encouraging and stimulating.”

[Richard Wilkins, for 30 years General Secretary of the Association of Christian Teachers, recently retired]

“This is a thorough analysis of the assumptions that lie buried beneath much biblical scholarship. They are shown all too often to be frankly untenable. The result liberates the Bible from widely-accepted attitudes that merely muffle or distort the thrust of the text. It merits very careful study by preachers and all concerned to hear the Word of God in our day. Very strongly commended.”

[Revd.Dr.Richard Jones, former Principal Hartley Victoria College, Manchester, ex-President of the Methodist Conference]


Expository Times review

Review – Paul Ellingworth

Dr. Brenda Watson, BA(Hist.), AKC, DipEd, ARCM, MA(Theol.) PhD, FRSA was a teacher in secondary schools and then lecturer at Didsbury College of Education, first in History then in Religious Studies, until she became Director of the Farmington Institute for Christian Studies in Oxford until 1988. She is the author of several books including Education and Belief (Blackwell 1987), and The Effective Teaching of Religious Education (Longman 1993; 4th impression 1999)